Impressions of React and Flux

I like that React makes application state explicit. It forces me to think through what is core to the application and what is derived.

Flux deals with React’s one-way data flow by centralising state in stores. This means that I can browse my application’s stores to see all of its state and how that state is manipulated.

One wrinkle in the React state story is how it handles user interactions. It matches user interactions with component state via interactive props. Wiring up onChange events and maintaining a local copy of user interaction state in your components is onerous. Components are surfacing for React that handle this grunt work for you, however.

I like that the actions available in the application—whether triggered by a user or a system—are reified and explicit. They provide a nice snapshot of all the significant interactions in your application.

I’ve found that the Flux approach means I don’t have client side models in my application. State is just data and behaviour is captured in your stores and actions. Stores hold arrays of data that are updated or manipulated with simple functions and calls to a library like lodash.

In Flux you manage events manually. This leads to a bunch of boilerplate in your stores, views, and actions but does give you the control to emit and subscribe as needed. I’ve followed the recommendation and used multiple stores that build on each other e.g. a paged transaction store that subscribes to a raw transaction store. This keeps each store’s code small and means that individual view hierarchies can subscribe to the stores that compose all of the functionality they require.

This explicit event subscription removes some of the pain you can get from evaluation order in complex sets of dependant computed observables in a framework like Knockout.

React is more library than framework and Flux is more approach than library. This leads to writing a bunch of boilerplate code. Libraries such as Fluxxor alleviate this somewhat, but I prefer to write the boilerplate at the moment so I better understand how all of the pieces involved hang together.

I like that components in Flux are independent, simple pieces of Javascript that are easy to comprehend and test.

React’s one way data flow model leads to a declarative style of programming that obviates some of the established ways I write front end code. I often catch myself making design decisions to improve performance and then remind myself that my component code should be declarative because the virtual DOM will only apply changes as required. It takes a while to break these old habits.

Flux itself has multiple moving parts and takes some time to understand. This makes the learning curve a little steep. Keep this diagram handy:

It’s taken a while to get my head around the React+Flux approach. It is lower level than other front end libraries and frameworks but components are being created to reduce the amount of glue code that needs to be written.

I like that React+Flux forces me to think about building rich client side applications differently. The separation and arrangement of code it encourages feels cleaner than frameworks that use two-way binding.